New year photo tagging

I’m usually not easily annoyed at stuff, but others tagging me in new year wishes photos can really take me to the limit. And I know I’m not alone.
But how can you make another understand how annoying it is? If you’re not very careful explaining this can even lead to loss of friendship. Why? Because those who tag the stupid photos really think it’s some kind of ritual or pleasantry that has to be performed and they don’t want to think about it beyond that. When somebody explains how annoying the whole tagging thing is, all what the tagger hears is ‘blah blah’.
Not everyone can think in the same way. You can’t just make others think the way you like them to think. It’s simple as that.
So unless you want to risk the friendship, never try to explain one how annoying what he does is.

3 responses on “New year photo tagging

  1. deeps

    what I do is this : go to my wall where all the photo tags are published. move the mouse to the post, click on the little “X” that appears and click “Remove post and untag”

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