Some cheap earphones

Here is a summary of the earphones I’ve purchased recently from eBay. All of them are relatively cheap in price ($10 to $20) and have good sound quality.

1. Sony MDR-ED12LP

 Good sound quality. Superb bass.

Price: about $10.



2. Creative EP-830

Good sound quality.

Price: $6 – $10



3. Skullcandy Ink’d

Good highs and mids. Good sound isolation.

Price: less than $20




4. Sony MDR EX-082

Good sound quality.

Price: about $10



Don’t go for earphones that are priced for less than $5. A reasonable buyer won’t spend hundreds of dollars on earphones either.

10 responses on “Some cheap earphones

  1. chalith

    have exp with no 2 & 4 but don’t know about 1 & 3. in those 2 (2 & 4) bass is really good but with disadvantages of poor highs and mids. So what can you recommend?

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