I had a chat with the Jack Dorsey of Twitter today and he said that the New Twitter that’s already out is only the public release and the VIP release would take some time.

Those who have already got New Twitter won’t be able to enjoy the VIP one. Feeling sorry about them. Life’s unfair, mates.
Yeah. I too feel very sorry about them. Evan Williams, the CEO of Twitter, sent a mail to me saying that special VIP functions of the new Twitter release are thoroughly being checked for any bugs these days, before releasing to us, as they can’t handover a buggy product for VIPs like ourselves.
I don’t think he is doing that because he is wanting me to fund Twitter Inc. But I recently got a decent amount of benefit from my fundings at Google, and well, I think I would give Twitter few million dollars. Oh yes, I know thats too little amount considered to my fundings at Google. May be I’ll make more attention to Twitter after they get bit more popular.
I ain’t funding twitter anymore. They started it up using my money and didn’t refund yet. Jack and Evan are nice fellows though. 🙂
Didn’t refund yet? Oh, he asked me some money saying he got to refund a previous investor of his! :O
What? He’s going to play a game with us. Don’t give him!
Never I’ll!
LOL.. me too didn’t get new Twitter yet.. 😉
ha…ha… 😀
I got it man
Poor you! 😀